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to help you follow
your life’s purpose:


Do You Know What God Wants
You to be Doing With Your Life?

YOU Can Discover YOUR
Created Purpose–
and Live it

How many Christians are living according
to the design God has for their lives?
Most fall short. . . But YOU DON’T HAVE

how to find your direction
and live out your faith—
in the place where you fit best. . .

Do you know where you should be focusing your time, energy, and gifts. . .  in a way that brings the greatest personal fulfillment, the greatest benefit to others, and the most glory to God?

If you can’t answer that question, you’re not alone.  There are many who have the same problem.

And it is a problem. . .

People who aren’t clear about their purpose are in a constant, tiresome quest for meaning and satisfaction.  And in most situations they keep coming up empty.

In the best cases these folks resign themselves to a life of boredom and depression. . .  and they get through life the best they can, occupying themselves with the diversions this world offers.  

In the worst cases, those without clear purpose simmer with anger and resentment. . . leading to behaviors that are destructive to themselves and others.

In both cases, there is a falling short of living life as God designed it. . .  and a failure to contribute to the world as He intends.

But there’s good news. . .  

You can get clear on your purpose and live it.  Your life can be fulfilling and fruitful. . . in the way you know deep down it should be.  And you can be among the few people who spend their days really focused on what God has in mind for their lives.  

I explain how in my book, Get Dominion:  You’ve Been Called to Fulfill a Mission.


“I don’t know of a better hands-on guide for the common
man to unleash the calling God has given him.”
–Calvin Jones, Concert/Recording Pianist


For 21 years I served as a pastor.  During that time, I spent hours talking with people about finding meaning in life. . .  and helping them figure out where they fit in the world.  

While a pastor, I did all the things pastors normally do—you know, preaching, teaching, marrying, burying, counseling, and so on.  These duties were all rewarding in their own way.  But most rewarding was helping others realize their place in God’s world.

Today, I’m still helping people discover God’s design for their lives—and how to live in keeping with that design.  One of the ways is through my book, Get Dominion.  

In this 200+ page guide, I’ve pulled together the most important biblical principles people need to find their life’s mission and fulfill it.  

Here you’ll find the foundation you must have to know your purpose in the world. . .  and, you’ll learn how to build on that foundation—no matter what your age, background, line of work, or current situation.  

With this information, you’ll have what you need to quickly find your focus, and start implementing it. . . so you you can begin living in keeping with God’s call upon your life.

RC Sproul Jr

“David who has been gifted with the spirit of Barnabas, encourages us to not lose sight of the forest for the trees, nor the trees for the forest. He encourages us to see the forest in the trees, and the trees in the forest. He gives practical counsel on how we can and should understand our abiding call to fulfill the dominion mandate. He provides wisdom by which we can not only work with purpose, but with integrity, and passion for the glory of Jesus Christ.”
–R.C. Sproul, Jr., from the Foreword of Get Dominion


From Frustration to Fulfillment

People are frustrated when it comes to living their lives in a way that’s meaningful. And those who experience this frustration do so in three main ways. . .

  1. They are conflicted. . . because they can’t see how the activities of their daily lives reflects what’s really important to them.
  2. They are powerless. . . because they don’t think their beliefs and actions have any impact on their world.
  3. They are aimless. . . because in failing to understand the value of their efforts, they can’t see the point of their lives.

In counseling these frustrated people, I’ve desperately wanted to help them. I know they suffer as they wander through life as sheep without a shepherd. . .

They are unhappy. They have unstable lives. They don’t have satisfying relationships. And they often end up in trouble—personal, financial, or spiritual.

Sadly, those in this postion are stuck. They are lost. And their lives are being wasted.

And, unfortunately, this sums up the lives of A LOT of people.

Now, if you’ve read this far, this clearly is NOT where YOU want to be. . . and thankfully, it’s not where you need to be.

Because Get Dominion shows you how to discover and live according to God’s blueprint for your life, so you can experience life as you’re meant to.

Once you understand how to live in sync with God’s purpose, and apply what you know faithfully, you’ll begin to enjoy the kind of change you know you need quickly.

Imagine waking up in the morning looking forward to the day ahead because you know why you are alive and what you need to be doing with your time.

Think about what it would be like to no longer wonder what your life is about, but instead feel energized because you know you can make a contribution to the world with the gifts you’ve been given.

And how about feeling all the joy and satisfaction that comes from knowing your life has a purpose—and you know exactly what that purpose is?

It’s possible. You just need to see the big picture of God’s plan for the world, and where you fit in. And then embrace the part He calls you to play.

Get Dominion will show you how.


David Bostrom’s book, Get Dominion, is a must read for every Christian! His practical no nonsense approach to discovering your God given destiny is both challenging and inspirational. Don’t underestimate your worth to Christ’s Kingdom, read this book and start living the life you’ve dreamed of today!

 –Jay and Laura Laffoon, Celebrate Your Marriage


 We’ve Got a Mandate to Fulfill

So often people try to find their purpose in areas that can’t deliver what they really need. . . they try to find their purpose in raising good kids, earning a nice income, or being happy. But even when these objectives are met, they don’t satisfy as expected.

It’s not that desiring any of these things is wrong in itself. It’s just that when you make them your reason for being, it’s guaranteed you’re going to come up short. . . and if you pursue any of these as your reason to live for long, you will be disillusioned. It’s like chasing after the wind.

What you need is a larger purpose. One that can only come from the Creator Himself.

And it’s this purpose I’ve been helping people discover for years, by calling them to follow what is known as the Dominion Mandate.

The term Dominion Mandate comes from the first chapter of the Bible—Genesis 1:28. It refers to God’s commission to every one of us to fill the earth and rule over it by using the calling and gifts he gives each of us.

This commission is significant because it’s God’s primary instruction for mankind.

What many don’t realize is this fundamental instruction from God remains in force today. And under this mandate, we are to develop all of creation for the glory of God and the good of others.

Yes, the presence of sin and evil in the world make accomplishing the Dominion Mandate a challenge. But the Dominion Mandate remains God’s most basic purpose for humanity, and we have hope it will one day be fulfilled. We can be confident of this because Jesus renewed the Dominion Mandate as He was raised from the dead and gave the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20.

Understanding the place of the Dominion Mandate today has everything to do with you finding your purpose in life. That’s because it ties God’s eternal purpose to your life in the here and now.

I unpack all of this in further detail in the book. And it’s all presented in an easy to read format—complete with summaries and application questions—so you can understand the truth about your created purpose, and begin living it out.


“Who are you? What is your purpose in life? How are you supposed to live and carry out your calling? Where worldly philosophers fail, Get Dominion outlines the answers to these questions. It shows how to stop being a spectator of life and participate in bringing about God’s will on earth as it is in heaven. Buy this book, read it to your family, and tell your friends about it!”

—Buddy Hanson, President, Grace & Law Christian Worldview Resources Center



All You Need to Experience Your Life’s Purpose is Here

In Get Dominion, you’ll discover…

  • The connection between the first chapter of the Bible and your purpose today, so you can see how your purpose in life fits in with God’s overall design for the world.
  • Why the world is all messed up and how you can cope with it, so you’ll be able to displace the darkness of this world with light.
  • Why Jesus is the hope of the world—and your life—so you’ll never have to be without hope again.
  • How you can live as one “under assignment” and be “free” at the same time, so you can fulfill the purpose God has for you.
  • What it really means to be a “spiritual person,” so you’ll know how to live faithfully as you face the challenges of the “real world.”
  • The role work has in fulfilling your purpose so you can properly appreciate the place your labors have in living out God’s design for you.
  • How to find your calling, so you will occupy yourself in the area that’s best suited for your gifts and interests—and bring the greatest level of blessing to others.
  • The indispensable requirement for true success, so you won’t be deceived by the world’s view of success and will instead experience the real thing.
  • How God uses the trials you face to further the purpose He has for you, so you’ll be better equipped to persevere through your difficulties and enter new levels of personal growth.
  • The importance of people in your life, so you’ll understand the connection between serving others and fulfilling your purpose.
  • Why and how you must rule yourself first, so you can be assured you aren’t the one standing in the way of living the life God has in mind for you.
  • The necessity of taking action, so you can partake of a “greater glory” in your life.
  • The role of God’s grace in restoring and empowering you, so you can fully live and enjoy life as a renewed human being.
  • And much more.

What Others Are Saying

Get Dominion provides the essentials when it comes to finding your purpose and living it.

Here, in one place, you’ll find what you need for you to know how to be used by God in the situation He has you.

The book is also filled with exhortations to move you to action, so fulfilling your calling is not only an idea you ponder, but something you relentlessly pursue.

It’s just what you need to rise up and embrace the purpose God has for you!

And I’m not the only one who believes this about the book. See what these leaders and pastors are saying about Get Dominion. . .

“David Bostrom offers the sincere and practical Christian a clear and well-marked path through a no man’s land filled with theological landmines. Dodging the mines, he takes the reader’s hand and leads him in Biblical simplicity to obedience in love. Well done!”

—The Rev. Franklin Sanders, Rector, Christ Our Hope RE Church


“The Gospel is the good news that in Christ Jesus, God is reconciling all things to Himself, that He is ever restoring every broken thing, and that He is dispensing grace and peace as far as the curse is found. The Dominion Mandate is simply the call to graciously manifest this glorious good news in every area of life. In this helpful new book, David Bostrom powerfully echoes that call for a whole new generation of believers. I gratefully recommend it.”

—George Grant, Pastor, Parish Presbyterian Church


 “The Dominion Mandate is God’s call upon our lives to gardenize, make beautiful, and bring all things under the authority of Jesus Christ. In his book Get Dominion, David Bostrom gives us a compelling account of where our ambition and purpose need to be. I’ve heard David teach these concepts for years, and I’m delighted the truths he has to share now have the opportunity to reach a larger audience. This book will help you live the life God intends for you!”

—John Pollion, President, General Housing Corporation


 “I fear that the declaration “Jesus is Lord” has become nothing more than a mere platitude to many modern Christians. David Bostrom attacks this problem by forcing us to face the practical implications of this glorious reality. What does the fact that Jesus is Lord mean for you? How are you submitting to His Lordship in your life? How will you honor His Lordship in the future? David confronts us with questions essential to living lives that glorify the Lord Jesus—and that makes Get Dominion vital reading for every Christian.”

—Pastor Steve Wilkins, Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church


“The title says it all. . . ‘Get Dominion.” This is a practical book regarding God’s call on our lives and how we are to go about fulfilling it. In Get Dominion you will not only find insight about escaping the world’s perspective of what life means, but wisdom concerning how embracing God’s call provides focus, meaning and freedom to fulfill your created purpose. These truths are foundational for the Church to impact the culture and are the positive anecdote to our political representatives failed mortgaging of our future. This book is a big gift in a small package. It teaches and motivates in a way that is simple and effective. Open it and use it.”

—Bill Garaway, President, Kuyper Media


“David Bostrom shows us the Dominion Mandate is about creating value for others and in his insightful writing he has created great value for each of us. David presents truth in a simple, straightforward manner that is inspiring, challenging and, at times, convicting. Utilizing the power and truth of the Dominion Mandate, David skillfully takes us on a journey of discovery that clarifies important concepts like “freedom,” “work,” and “spirituality.” This book moves beyond practical instruction and presents purposeful application that can empower us to transform our lives, equip us to impact the world, and enlighten us to realize our Kingdom purpose.”

—Lyle Wells, President, Integrus Leadership


The objective of Get Dominion is for you to find your God-given purpose, and live it out on a daily basis, so you can contribute to the building up of God’s kingdom as you’ve been created to.

Way too many people drift through life without direction. . . This book is my sincere effort to remedy that problem for as many people as I can, by helping them live with the mission God has for them.

The instruction you’ll receive in Get Dominion has come from years of experience and biblical reflection. And because it’s so comprehensive, it can save you years of needless struggle when it comes to finding your place in life.

Consider these words from one reader of the book. . .


While most books on dominion are rich in doctrine, David Bostrom’s new book gives extremely practical suggestions for day to day living to apply the biblical command to take dominion in all areas of life. First, he gives knowledge, then understanding, and finishes with wisdom for all ages and walks of life. It is well rounded and well balanced. I wish someone had given me a book like this when I was beginning to walk with God. In one book David has distilled down values and beliefs and practical suggestions that I want my children to have for their lives. It will shorten your learning curve by 15-20 years. (Emphasis mine.)

—Todd Robinson, M.D., Robinson Family Clinic


If you are unclear about your purpose in life, you already know you don’t have time to waste trying to figure it out. You probably feel like you’ve got some catching up to do.

Take a big but easy step in the right direction. Order your copy of Get Dominion now by clicking the orange box below.

The cost is only $9.97 (plus shipping). . . that’s less than the price of an average pizza. Isn’t that a small price to pay for biblical, life-changing guidance that can finally move you to a life richer in purpose?



Many might regard this as a self-help book, because it has to do with showing you how to improve your life. But Get Dominion is much more than your typical self-help guide.

It will challenge you to consider the biggest issues of your life. And it will lead you to the only place you can find the purpose and fulfillment you’re looking for.

Get your copy of Get Dominion from Amazon.com without delay.



With great hope you will soon be living the purpose God has for you,





David Bostrom


P.S. In our challenging times, it seems like more people than ever are meandering their way through life, without any awareness of how God has designed them to live. Don’t let inaction cause you to be among them.

Our times cry out for those who will make the greatest contribution possible with their lives, by knowing and following the purpose God has for them.

Get a clear understanding of your created purpose and how you can focus on fulfilling it every day. Your life is too short to do anything else. Get yourself a copy of Get Dominion now.